Killer Ride Animation
ICM Studios was tasked initially with creating variations of of Zombies based off a stock asset.
In the end we created 7 variations of the character. The characters were then rigged and textured before we started to add some motion capture on them.
The character setups were created in Maya but the final renders were done in 3ds Max so we needed to create a way that the assets looked and worked the same in both. Our solution on this project was to use alembic caches. This process did create an overhead on hard disk space but we were able to get a quick turn around on layout/animation approval in maya then export out caches for use within 3ds Max.
- Studio: Pickled
- Characters, Mocap retareting and adjustments, animation, layout: Iskander Mellakh
Google Cloud Instances
We were able to scale up rendering quite quickly using Google Cloud and VM Instances. We created an ISO disk image of our testing bed then spooled up new instances as and when needed.

Asset creation, Rigging and Motion Capture
We used the inital character as a base and built our rigging system so that we could use the same setup for each rig and reuse animation clips. The clips we used were generated using Mixamo but we had to adjust them to work within the overall animation on a per character basis.